In this blog...

Color Bar

On a selection of my posts you will notice a color bar after the pictures, with blocks of color that match the image. Simply it is a sampling of color swatches from an image to create a theme, my way of exploring color in my photographs where I often pay more attention to composition. I can then compare samplings from different photographs, the difference in tones and shades from one picture to the next depending on the location, objects and lighting. Also each set of swatches (or palette) can be taken and used as a color theme on a different project... with results that could be great or really interesting.

Inspired by (but certainly not limited to) Hue, Kuler, design blogs, fashion, HGTV (my latest television addiction!) and a project called "Colour Harmonies" that I did when I was a student at Brighton Bay Art, Design & Photography Program.


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