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Monday, February 13, 2012

[sweet or savory?] egg boat

Fairly often I make really easy dinners - toasted cheese sandwiches, omelettes, quick grilled chicken and salad. Tonight I made an easy dinner that was a little different, a slightly more exciting version of an omelette sandwich - a baked egg boat! And I like breakfast at any time of the day.

My husband had brought home extra french bread which was perfect for this. I based it on the recipe from Spoon Fork Bacon but changed it to suit what I had at hand. I sautéed a shallot, some chopped mushroom and baby spinach and put them in the bread "shell" once I had cut out the centres. I then poured over the egg mixture (it did spill over the sides a little) and put chunks of brie cheese (also purchased by my husband) along the top. Baked it as per the recipe and served it with a simple salad. Delicious!

Photos from my iPhone.

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